<body> 6HONESTY - // ohhsix

Since 01012006
Zhenghua Primary School

#o1 ShiXin
#o2 Dewi
#o3 Dharini
#o4 Faeqa click here:D
#o5 WeiYing click here:D
#o6 JiaJia
#o7 Joanna click here:D
#o8 MeiShan
#o9 XiaoWen
#1o Jolene
#11 ShiMin click here:D
#12 WeiTing click here:D
#13 Insyirah
#14 Amanda
#15 JiaMin click here:D
#16 WaiTeng click here:D
#17 Felicia
#18 Swapna
#19 HsiaoTien click here:D
#2o Yiting
#21 YeeTeng
#22 YiSi
#23 YiFang click here:D
#24 EnMing
#25 Chester click here:D
#26 MingLun
#27 QiFeng
#28 Kenneth click here:D
#29 LuKe
#3o CherYang
#31 JunRong
#32 YiinLih
#33 Zile
#34 GuiYou
#35 ShaoHao
#36 GuoDong
#37 RiZheng
#38 JingHan
#39 ChangHui click here:D


Lyrical Lesson!
Class Video 2006

Keep Talking


Contributions partly from Wen Khang
(hahaha not anymore)

under construction now


May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
August 2010
November 2010
December 2010
December 2011


Codings: Ebullient*

6HONESTY!/ Thursday, October 26, 2006

decided to blog.

please remember to bring your photographs tomorrow..
no one has given me anything YET
please cooperate =D
photos photos.

as you know,
14 of us go for the enrichment of
tablet pc photoshop
i am going to post up our work!

too bad,
i dont have dewi's and yeeteng pair.
so sorry..

YiFang & Jiamin

Meishan & Shixin

Faeqa and Swapna

Jiajia & YiTing

GuiYou & his friend

Joanna & Weiying
(2 different types)

Mr Fadhil

he used qifeng as the demo.


6HONESTY- forever.
2:54 PM <3


6HONESTY!/ Friday, October 20, 2006

Backpack list for chalet:
1. Fresh set of clothes ( 2 set )
2. Sleeping bag
3. Mosquito repellent*
4. Torchlight
5. Slippers
6. Poncho*
7. Jacket*
8. Umbrella
9. Toiletries (towel, toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, toilet paper...)
10. Water bottle (minimum 500ml bottle(2) )
11. Card games
12. Light snacks
13. Money*

Label your stuff


6HONESTY- forever.
3:52 PM <3


6HONESTY!/ Friday, October 13, 2006

more jokes

A man is sitting in the coach section of a flight from NY to Chicago biting his fingernails and sweating profusely. A flight attendant walkes up to him.

She asks, Sir can i can you anything?

The man nods and the lady returns with some beer. The man gulps it down and stops shaking.

Minutes later, the man is shaking again.

THe attendant gets another cup of beer, the man drinks it and stops shaking.

Minutes later the man still shakes.

The attendant says to him, Gosh, ive never seen sumone as afraid of flying as you.

The man replies, Im not afraid of flying. Im trying ti quit drinking.

6HONESTY- forever.
8:37 PM <3



A boy and his dad visiting frm a 3rd world country were at the mall. They were amazed with everything esp two shining walls. ( the elevator)

While the boy and his dad were watching wide eyed an old lady in a wheelchair rolled up to the moving walls and pressed a button. The walls opened and the lady went in.

MOments later, Anne NIcole Smith walked out of the doors. ( i have no idea who she is but should be a preety lady.)

The father said to his son, Quik! GO get ur mum!


6HONESTY- forever.
8:29 PM <3



An economics prof at sch had a strict policy that the hourly exams were to be completed at the bell and anyone who kept writing on the exam after the bell would take a 0 on the exam. 1 guy kept writing after the bell rang and went up boldly to turn it up.

The prof looked at him and said , Dun bother handing it in you get a 0.

The guy looked at the prof and asked, do you noe who i am?

The prof replied, no and i dun care who u r. Even if ur dad is the president of us u still get a 0.

The guy asked one more , you really dunno?

The prof responded, no

the guy said, good! and plunged his exam into the pile of papers and ran off.

For those of you who do not get the joke, its means that the prof will not be able to give him a 0 if he dunno who the guy is.


6HONESTY- forever.
8:07 PM <3


some photos from today's basketball match
The coach teaching them techniques

our basketball team!!!

poka green tea and ice lemon tea-->best drinks for 6H basketball team


Come on! Anyone to pass to?

6Honesty rox forever!!!

6HONESTY- forever.
7:11 PM <3


scan in the pic already,
yesterday didnt post up because blogger got problem around 10..
so.. never post.


6HONESTY- forever.
6:19 AM <3


6HONESTY!/ Thursday, October 12, 2006

Dear ALL

I don't think we should go over the 'why' the blog was closed.

Suffice to say that IT IS NOW REVIVED bu none other than our guru - Ms Joanna! Thanks to her that we can use the blog to CONNECT with one another -
Touch base

So, even as your exams are over...pls take ownership of what you will post. Rememer, we want to keep oursleves CONNECTED! BE RESPONSIBLE for your postings.


Mr Nigel

6HONESTY- forever.
11:18 PM <3


6HONESTY!/ Wednesday, October 11, 2006

This are the music lesson the video i took,
abit shaky lah.
But it can be see (:
I give you the URL.
You go and see yourself

Hsiaotien Group

ShaoHao Group


Guiyou Group


GuoDong Group


Xiaowen Group


WeiYing Group


Yifang Group


6HONESTY- forever.
9:58 PM <3


6HONESTY!/ Tuesday, October 10, 2006

i has been ROTTING since 30 aug.
how times flies.
i know you guys have been waiting for a long time..
weiying say i got permission to change back
so i changed back!

SO better blog =/


new template.. maybe

6HONESTY- forever.
7:00 PM <3
